Ted Snyder : Exceptional Partner & Friend

Koa Labs
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2019


Over the past 20+ years I’ve had the chance to work with many great people. I’ve also been privileged to work with many humble people. There are a rare few partners who are both great and humble — Ted Snyder is one of the rare few.

I started working with Ted and two of his Bowdoin 2000 classmates (John Walker & Micah San Antonio)back in early 2000 — they had a startup idea (BeamThis) and I convinced them to work with me on a startup called Bowstreet instead. Their idea was strong but a bit early — great mobile app idea that was a bit ahead of it’s time. My goal was to encourage their entrepreneurial instinct while providing some early guidance/development.

Little did I know at the time that my relationship with Ted & John would continue for more than two decades across 3+ startups. They were both bio-chem majors at Bowdoin and while they joined me to work in software, the three of us all eventually migrated to the life sciences/biopharma over the subsequent two decades. In the rear view mirror — it’s obvious that we were all searching for mission driven work that also satisfied our never-ending passion for tech/data/software.

I often say that “companies come and go — but relationships between startup people last a lifetime” — my relationship with Ted and John epitomizes this spirit. The best part of my relationship with Ted and John has been the reward that comes from seeing people you love and respect grow personally and professionally beyond any/all expectations. I’ve seen each of them marry, have children and become fantastic fathers and husbands. As friends and partners, they have each given more to me than I can every repay. I’m so thankful for their hard work, positive attitude, trusted partnership and perhaps most important — their willingness to put up with my crazy ideas.

In startups — risk and failure are constants — it’s the nature of the beast. In the face of such ambiguity — many people bow to the pressure of more sensible and less risky career paths. Both Ted and John have consistently embraced risk/ambiguity in the projects they pursue. Through many risky projects, tons of failure and and just enough success, we have had tremendous fun practicing the art of making the impossible — possible. Thanks to Ted and John for being the best partners a startup guy could ever hope to work with.

As Ted leaves Tamr to go back to a pure biotech startup I’m bummed that I won’t get to see him every day — but thrilled for him to take on his next tour of duty.




Koa Labs

Located in the heart of Harvard Square, Koa Labs is a Seed Fund for promising start-ups. http://koalabs.com